Dina Dajani Portrait

About Dina Dajani

I was born one wintery day in Zagreb, Croatia. There I lived my first and best seven years of childhood before moving to the other side of the world; a very hot and sunny Abu Dhabi. Where I lived for the rest of my childhood well into my adolescent life. Constantly traveling between the two. I spent my school year in Abu Dhabi eagerly waiting for the summer to come, to go back to where I called home. Croatia! Being born to a Croatian mother and a Palestinian father, I was often torn between the two worlds. Exposed to two very different cultures and religions which brought so much richness, beauty and joy. Yet, It would be remiss of me not mention challenges as well.

Finishing high school, I moved to Jordan to complete my education and earned my Bachelor Degree in Interior Design, afterwhich I returned back to Abu Dhabi. I was young and ready to pursue my dream career of becoming an Interior Designer; a dream short lived and obstructed when I left it all behind to become a full-time mum.

It was only in 2016 that I got back in touch with my roots, my passion, and my creativity while trying to find myself once more. That is when I stumbled upon an Urban Sketching community and decided to attend an Urban Sketching Symposium event in Manchester. Having been out of practice and out of date with things. I purchased my first sketching kit, did an online course and in June of that same year I was flying to Manchester not knowing what to expect. The rest is history.

Today I live in Kuwait with my husband and two children and am constantly in search of the next big thing to sketch, new skills to learn, but most of all, getting always in touch with my creativity. Never letting that go again. I am also on a mission to get as many people on board with the habit of drawing, documenting their lives along the way.

So, if you’re like me and you’ve lost your creative way when life kicked in but are ready to find your way back, join me as I take my lines on regular walks on this journey we call life.

Moleskine held in hand scale

My Moleskine Daily Pocket Diary 

The little book that started it all. In an attempt to form a daily sketching habit. I started small and it metaphored into this tiny visual journal. You can read more about it here.

Porto First Sketch Walk

Urban Sketching

Back in 2016 when I wanted to get in touch with my creative self. I stumbled upon an Urban Sketchers community, booked a flight to attend my first ever symposium that same year and never looked back. More about it here.

Need help? E mail me with your quiery

If like me, you feel you've lost your way and would love to get back in touch with creativity. Contact me, let's chat about it.


Tell me what you think !

Was my story inspiring to you? Did it make you want to pick up your brushes and just explore? I hope it did. Tell me more about it. Meet me over at instagram where I hang out the most and  say hello !