Learn How to Sketch

Sketch with me

Learn How to Sketch the Overview This is a four day workshop where you will be introduced to basic sketching exercises that will train you to draw. These exercises are designed to teach you to actually draw what you see. Not, what you think you see. A common mistake we all do because our brains…

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Sketchers Guide to Using Watercolour

supplies SLIDER paint tubes

Overview of Sketchers Guide to Using Watercolour This workshop is an introduction to using watercolour in sketching which is completely different than the traditional studio painting. Therefore, the approach is different as well. You will be introduced to the medium and it’s uses strictly from a sketchers point of view. The best ways to form…

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Sketching Kuwait – Souq Mubarakiyah

Sketching Kuwait Souq Mubarakiyah

Just before it gets too hot I wanted to go on a sketching trip to Souq Mubarakiyah. Something I have had on my mind for a while. Then earlier in March this little place called Bait Ahmed popped on my Instagram feed and I was taken by its charm and old time vibes. Decided then…

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Sketching Kuwait – Winter 2021

The Avenues

This winter I was adamant to get as many urban sketching trips into my routine as possible. My last week of sketching in winter 2021 found me at The Avenues, Al Shaheed Park and Boulevard. 06th. of December – The Avenues There is this place at the Avenues whenever I walk through it, I feel…

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Sketching Kuwait Winter 2021

Shaheed Park

First Week of Sketching Kuwait in the winter of 2021 Now that the weather is finally getting cooler in Kuwait I have decided to go out more and sketch. This has been something that I wanted to do for ages. Come winter, days would go by and I wouldn’t have anything to account for. This…

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My Minimalistic Sketching Kit

Minimalistic Sketching Kit

The sketching kit I took on my trip to York I was recently on a personal trip to York (you can read more about it here). Even though I knew it’s not strictly a sketching one, I decided to take my kit just in case I could muster up some time to do so. With…

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Urban Sketching in Picturesque York

Urban Sketching in York

First sketch in York This trip was not about urban sketching or being a tourist first time in York, rather a more personal one. One that included lots of errands and many, many shopping trips with tedious amounts of heavy carrying. Nevertheless, I made sure I had my minimal kit on me every time I…

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Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon Book Review

Steal like an artist

I have had Steal Like An Artist few years now on my kindle and never got to reading it till the end. Until I bought it recently as a hard copy. Something about this little book and its format is demanding to be read from an actual hard copy as opposed to reading it from…

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Watercolour Workshop for a Complete Novice

Watercolour Basics

Beginner Level Overview Watercolour workshop for a complete novice is covering basic knowledge about the medium and ways of creating with it. Covering the technical aspects along with general manipulation methods. It is strictly practical and designed to give you all the basic practice exercises, so you can better work with it. This is not…

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Visual Journaling Workshop! Recording Memories!

Kit Visual Journaling

Beginner Level Overview We all have stories to tell, memories to cherish, often these get lost with time as we go through this very busy and fast life. We also are visual creatures (or at least some of us are). We respond better to pictures often more than words. If you are one of those…

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