Dina's Blog

Sketching The Everyday

DAI Comparison Sketches

How to measure our own progress

By Dina

How we measure our own progress as opposed to how we should be measuring it. One building two sketches few years apart! Sharing my thoughts and learnings.

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Unfolding Stories: Sketching Memories

By Dina

Earlier this year, March to be exact. I was fortunate to get the opportunity to join the Sanad programme. Unfolding…

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Sketching Kuwait Souq Mubarakiyah

Sketching Kuwait – Souq Mubarakiyah

By Dina

Just before it gets too hot I wanted to go on a sketching trip to Souq Mubarakiyah. Something I have…

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The Avenues

Sketching Kuwait – Winter 2021

By Dina

This winter I was adamant to get as many urban sketching trips into my routine as possible. My last week…

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Travel Sketching

Urban Sketching in York

Urban Sketching in Picturesque York

By Dina

First sketch in York This trip was not about urban sketching or being a tourist first time in York, rather…

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Lisbon Church

Urban Sketching in Lisbon and the memories I Want to Capture Forever

By Dina

Urban Sketching and the memories it holds I’ve said it before, urban sketching is the best way to engrave moments…

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Viarco visit memories and the lessons it taught me…

By Dina

Few years back even before my trip to Portugal was in the stars. My friend was talking to me about…

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Porto Collage

Portugal Memories… Porto

By Dina

After attending the Manchester USK symposium, needless to say I’ve got the bug and wanted to do it every year!…

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Sketching Kit

Your Sketching Kit while out and about in your hometown

By Dina

When out and about we all have our preferred Sketching Kit that we go to. That kit usually changes depending…

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Minimalistic Sketching Kit

My Minimalistic Sketching Kit

By Dina

The sketching kit I took on my trip to York I was recently on a personal trip to York (you…

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Black Pens in Sketching

Black Pens in Sketching and how to choose the best fit

By Dina

Finding the perfect black pen In my work I like to use black pens or liners over my initial pencil…

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white pens

White pens in sketching! The why, how and my favorites…

By Dina

When you start sketching for the first time or get back to it after longer period, you will find yourself…

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On My Bookshelf

Art Before Breakfast Insta

Art Before Breakfast By Danny Gregory

By Dina

My biggest outtake form Art Before Breakfast I am guessing you are here researching Art Before Breakfast by Danny Gregory…

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The Artist's Way

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

By Dina

The inner critic, the censor, the monkey… call it what you want, it all boils down to one thing! As…

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