Visual Journaling the Next Step

Visual Journaling Pages

ALUMNI STUDENTS Overview This course is for those of you who attended the visual journaling workshop and started your own journey of commemorating your life with picture. This is the next step. A refresher and a build up to what you have learned. So, if you are new here make sure to check visual journaling…

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Paint Yourself Calm

watercolour square pattern

Overview Sometimes just a simple act of adding paint to paper with no prior planning or specific image expectation other than creating a simple pattern could be the best thing to create the state of flow. To think about colour combinations and different ways of watercolour application. It is deeply gratifying as well as therapeutic.…

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The Brush Roll

Brush Roll

As part of my sketching edit I wanted a brush roll that was customised to carry my favorite tools and brushes which I usually have in rotation as part of my kit most of the time.Adding my sketches to the design was a natural alignment to the whole process.After many years of sketching (eight to…

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