Urban Sketching

Shaheed Park

This is the page which documents all the urban sketching in my current home town where I live at the moment. Kuwait. So come along as I share with you Kuwait one sketch at a time all the while blogging about it.


In winter you will find me making the most of the beautiful cool weather and sketching outdoors as much as I can to capture all the interesting places.


While in summer when temperatures are scorching hot my urban sketching is then mostly confined to closed places such as malls and cafes. It's then when you will see me doing more of the interiors urban sketches.

Luckily Malls here in Kuwait are huge and filled with beautifully decorated places which are also a pleasure to sketch and capture.

DAI Comparison Sketches

How to measure our own progress

By Dina | February 14, 2024

How we measure our own progress as opposed to how we should be measuring it. One building two sketches few years apart! Sharing my thoughts and learnings.

Souq Mubarakiyah

Sketching Kuwait – Souq Mubarakiyah

By Dina | April 26, 2022

Just before it gets too hot I wanted to go on a sketching trip to Souq Mubarakiyah. Something I have had on my mind for a while. Then earlier in March this little place called Bait Ahmed popped on my Instagram feed and I was taken by its charm and old time vibes. Decided then…

Sketching Kuwait

Sketching Kuwait – Winter 2021

By Dina | April 13, 2022

This winter I was adamant to get as many urban sketching trips into my routine as possible. My last week of sketching in winter 2021 found me at The Avenues, Al Shaheed Park and Boulevard. 06th. of December – The Avenues There is this place at the Avenues whenever I walk through it, I feel…

Sketching Kuwait

Sketching Kuwait Winter 2021

By Dina | November 26, 2021

First Week of Sketching Kuwait in the winter of 2021 Now that the weather is finally getting cooler in Kuwait I have decided to go out more and sketch. This has been something that I wanted to do for ages. Come winter, days would go by and I wouldn’t have anything to account for. This…